Whiston Hospital

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Warrington Road Prescot Merseyside L35 5DR

Whiston Hospital average review score


Whiston Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Tina Close 1 year ago on Google
( 2 out of 5 )

I had a biopsy on 08/02/2021. The nurses only spoke to me just after the anthestiet came to see me, now she wonderful. After my procedure. And back on the ward. I need bathroom, wasn’t helped, even though still groggy. Didn’t even inform …

Ronalda Larsen 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

At home recovering from ankle fracture treated elsewhere.Sent home….readmitted with Covid 19 …Sent home 24 hours later..
Situation deteriorated 3 days later and was taken to Whiston in an emergency. …

june higgins 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Just had a Bronoscopy the consultants and staff where amazing putting me at ease.
Thank you all so much

Whiston Hospital FAQs

Is visiting allowed yet

What is the CBN LIST?

Free parking locations
Is there WiFi connection for patients
What time visiting weekend at whiston hospital ward 1 c.
How can I get help with the pain I have in my body please help me
Is hospital visiting allowed?
Where is the Endoscopy unit
Can we visit our daughter in the maternity ward?
what time can you go to he hospital for blood test
Is it possible to get photo copy of the results of my operation to. Remove the cancer from my bottom lip
What time is visiting
What time is visiting on ward 1c
how do i find out which ward my daughter is in as i am unable to get to see her as i have had a stroke
Ward 5 c what time is visiting
How many visitors are allowed to each patient at visiting time ?
Can I come with my husband tomorrow to see Dr Albert Benson , his appointment is at 9.30am
Where is the dementia ward thanks
Which rail station is nearest to the hospital? Rainhill? Whiston?
Where is the pharmacy located in whiston hospital please
What is the cardio department like?
What time are visiting hours please ?
what is ward 1b for?
What is ward 4b
Can I visit my Brother in the Mortuary thankyoy
Are the phones in the wards free for patients to call their loved ones
Where is the nearest shop
Are none urgent appointment still going ahead
I paint in very bright colours, someone suggested that they would be good for impaired sighted people. Anyone nows who would like one free of charge, or an opportunity to donate to a ward or hospital iI'm willing tohelpjust want to share and care
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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