Stubhub FAQs
How much does this cost plz per adult not child
Can we play badminton there? Just for fun?
Is there a sauna available?
Thanks in advance
I think there is yes, there is a health spa suite with steam room sauna etc , it overlooks the pool
What are the prices please
Can I use only the showers ? How much will it cost ? Thank you.
Well, technically, you can, because their are showers in the sports changing rooms. Should you if you're not paying for a service? Well, that's a whole other question.
where can I book the car boot sale
They do car boot sales at Inverness leisure, you'd need to phone to get information about when they are held.
Hi is the pool a walk in or a ladder? Is it disabled friendly? Can you access the gym with a highlife card? Is the gym accessible for someone not able to use stairs?
There are various ramps throughout the building making both gym and leisure pool area accessible for someone not able to use stairs. If you join then your highlife card gains you access to all pools and leisure facilities throughout this region. I understand that Highland Council have agreements with other local councils so membership gets you access to leisure facilities in the like of Moray and the Western Isles.
When is the next car boot sale
Last Sunday of every month
Can i take a 6 year old and a ten year old in to pool?
Yes there is a small pool for younger children with a slide and other toys.There is also a large pool with a wave machine for the 10 year old. The 6 year old will be able to go in as well but will need to be closely looked after as the father you go the waves would go over their head.
Do you still do car boot sales ?
Yes the last Sunday of every month
Hi I have one question can I have my child's party in the swimming pool instead of a bouncy castle and soft play
You used to have that option. I'd telephone and ask to see if it's still available.
Hi, Is the flumes and chutes now open at the aquadome? If so what times are thry running?
They open for 15 minutes and close the rapid river, and swap.
No need to book now
Suitable for disabled swimming, any quiet times available?
There is low level access to the main pool. I'm not sure about the lanes. Sat and Sunday morning is the toddler splash and that is reasonably quiet. It's probably best to call for any specific sessions or check their site.
Hi, can I pay per visit to the gym or do I have to take out a contract?
I think you can pay per visit but you need to have had an induction before you are allowed to use the gym. You need to book an induction, you can't turn up and get one.
How do i go about arranging an inductionfor 2 people for gym?, habe tried calling to no avail? Eilidh Mackay
Hey how I did mine I went in and booked one and thay say what day and time is available
Do you need a membership to get into the gym
I believe you need a membership to access the gym, but you can join classes on a pay as you go basis without one.
When the swimming pool is closing today?
The leisure pool with the slides close at 8pm.
(Translated by Google) I don't know I got it from my daughter-in-law and son ??
Ik weet dat niet ik heb het gekregen van mijn schoondochter en zoon ??
Are there extra splash sessions on during the school holidays?
Is there a ladies swimming night or day for over 60s
Not sure, they do an aquatics gym class for sure
There should have been a shower within the disabled toilets & the soap within the toilets replsced more of than not too
What times are happy hour for swimming
Aqua arrobics is there a class and when is it on
How much does it cost to use the pool facilities one day per week
Should any other pertinent issues come to mind I should post them as no doubt far more ewuitable resolutions should be found within the community & not therein
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Adjacent the excellent pool, the staircase is far to stee & dangerous for disabled & elderley Not least of which given there isn't a contiguous railing...the 'gentle' ramp from saina 2 pool is akin 2 Chairman MAO's Long March Notably when in excruti
Who the hell do some condescending, bigotted, expedients think they are? They should not be mandating what any1 can/not display in their car about M.alevolent & (ig)N.oble nor A.bominable S.outer J.affrey and or where they cannot park on p
Like The 'Palace'...Anything but helpful. Downright obstructive, un-co-operative & expensive too. What one has come to expwct The 'Palce