Swindon Borough Council

Swindon Borough Council Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Swindon Borough Council Service Email Address
Swindon Borough Council Service Address


Civic Offices Euclid Street Swindon SN1 2JH

Swindon Borough Council average review score


Swindon Borough Council recent reviews

write your review
Jan Selton 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Gave up being on hold at 57 minutes! The office is still closed to public walk in’ which seems strange seeing that everything and everyone else is trying to get back to nornal.

Angel Grace 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Being put on hold too long on calling, can’t make payments online due to SBC issues often. Repairs take two visits from the repairs team that take approx 4 weeks to get sorted at times on issues that are urgent. Sort it out please.

Chevonne Cosway 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Try booking jobs they dont wanna help. Get told to book a job then get told different things. Ever since pandemic I been struggling and I could do with these jobs awaiting since last year it be good to have communication aswell just need to know stuff but left in lurch as always again

Swindon Borough Council FAQs

How do I re new my bus pass

You can renew online or call SbC and ask for Parking Team

Do SBC listen to our views?
Does the council still collect household furniture
how to find a web code for a parking fine
Can you use bus pass before 9 30 in swindon or is it only wiltshire
Has the white Hart junction opened?
I have just purchased our property and would like to know if I would be able to take our guttering to the dump as our survey has said that the guttering is asbestos and we have had quotes for it but want to know if the dump would let us dump it
When are the bins being collected in nythe
At what age do you qualify for a senior bus pass.
Where i can get an appointment for english test.just for taxi
When are the offices going to reopen
How do you work out your monthly rent this year????
What time are the timethings
I rent a garage and when I went to open it today to use my car, I noticed someone had damaged the opening handle. I am unable to gain entry to the garage. How can I get it repaired? Regards Paul
Has the council got a government grant for solar panal installation
Answer the phones?
how do I get rubbish remove that has been dumped in the ally in my close ? its in Farndale Close Penhill
How to get bulky items picked up
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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