The Abbeyfield Purley Society Limited

The Abbeyfield Purley Society Limited Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

The Abbeyfield Purley Society Limited Service Email Address
The Abbeyfield Purley Society Limited Service Address


2 Purley Knoll Purley Surrey CR8 3AE

The Abbeyfield Purley Society Limited average review score


The Abbeyfield Purley Society Limited recent reviews

write your review
Margaret Wales 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

I moved into Abbeyfield Purley 6 months ago and would highly recommend living here. I like the social side of having people to talk to and having our meals together while also having my own room and space. Brenda the house manager is a …

The Abbeyfield Purley Society Limited FAQs

How do I apply to become a resident?

Please contact Abbeyfield House directly to arrange a visit and find out more information.

What meals are provided at Abbeyfield House?
Does Abbeyfield House have a stairlift?
What security is there for residents?
Can my friends and family stay overnight?
Can I move in with my husband/wife?
Can my family visit?
What is in the local area?
How many rooms and apartments does Abbeyfield House have?
What age do I need to be to live in an Abbeyfield retirement home?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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