Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust FAQs
When there is a virus outbreak what is the ward that has the infections and has patients on the ward whats the cleaning policy and who monitors this of a night where standards can slip
Wards are closed to new admissions. Patients who have infections will not be moved across the hospital usually. They have side rooms to isolate them. Infection control team and microbiology team deal with all the arrangements
Walsall Manor Hospital is a bad place especially in the general wards they don't look after the patients its disgusting and apoorling they never treated my dad with any good standards at all ' dad was a sick man for a long period of time he became I'
Where is the nearest car park to AMCU please
There are two car parks one is situated across from outpatients the other is by A&E. I don't know where AMCU is sorry
How do i find out what ward some one is on
Speak to the person and ask what ward they are on
Where is the place to find someone who has been sectioned
I don't think the Manor deals with that. Dorothy Pattison hospital more or less around the corner deals with mental health.
What time does walk in centre open
Walsall manor is accident and emergency open 24hrs
why does no one answer the telephone in the Audiology Dept ? been ringing all morning and no one answers!
The person at that extension may be off work? Try through switchboard. They may have another extension
is the charity shop in out patience open and is there a number for them?
Yes, it's in the main foyer of the hospital, try the switchboard at the hospital, they can transfer you.
What time do they open weekends
The hospital runs 24hours a day.
Are we allowed to visits a friend who is confine at the moment on walsall manor hospital recently she was admitted as an A n E patient.
No visiting, even if you have tested negative, it is heartbreaking, just l visitor 5mins, our loved ones would feel a little better to see a familiar face.
You can book from 8.00am and then arrange the time you wish to visit.
Where is endoscopy suite at walsall hospital
Please tell me one things?
How do I find out when someone died
So would the hospital be able too tell me if I ask them
route 005 , do enter through the main entrance?Can my wife accompany me, going for a x.ray?
Hi, yes route 005 is on the ground floor through the main entrance to the left. It's clearly marked. I was there only yesterday for a CT scan. I'm not sure about other people attending, I went on my own but they will advise you when you arrive. Masks must be worn and there is hand sanitiser at the entrance. Hope this helps! ?
Where is general surgery appt in manor hospital plz?
Go through main entrance everything is sign posted and numbered for easy access
Is there an office where you can get advice regarding what your financial status is
What is the extention number for physio
You can always call main number and ask to be put through to physio department by receptionist
Is there someone I could speak to someone about parking in wrong carpark??
Not sure Paul....think it is automated service o ly. Try asking at help desk inside hospital
Can I give blood at a hospital
is visiting restrictive today 27 March
Why are nurses who are exposed to all sorts . being blunt boderlyFluids . & allowed to go home in uniform, the manor hospital is a good hospital but must have better standards.
Will the car park be accessible this am?
what is the main switchboard phone number
Are car parking charges in force August 6th 2020?
Are the walk in ENT clinics for hearing aid problems back to normal now 31.07.2020
What the Point of have a phone number that dont work