Wyre Forest District Council FAQs
Will wyre forest council do the same as Bromsgrove council with garden waste bins
What has Bromsgrove District Council done?
What do i have to fo to get on tenancy agreement with partner
Contact Community Housing Group
We missed having the brown bins emptied yesterday due to Queen's funeral . When will they be collected please , as they are very full at this time of year?
Think they are stopped until March 2023
Moving house no wheelie bins there. What can we do?
Wyreforestdc.gov.uk website - wheel bin request new bin
Is it true council are giving you money back off your council tax jf you pay by direct debit
Please see our website for the most up to date information regarding the Council Tax Energy Rebate https://www.wyreforestdc.gov.uk/council-tax-and-benefits/council-tax-energy-rebate/
Please see our website for the most up to date information regarding the Council Tax Energy Rebate https://www.wyreforestdc.gov.uk/council-tax-and-benefits/council-tax-energy-rebate/
when will our bins be emptied
What are ehe arrangements for waste collection after Christmas, in Stourport-on-Severn?
The arrangements are on the Council's website. https://www.wyreforestdc.gov.uk/rubbish-and-recycling.aspx
Is the refuge for garden waste open
Has anyone who lives on a mobile home park had their 400 pound heating allowance
Outside McDonald's Mill Street is two disabled parking spaces, visiting them today I could not park because there were 4 delivery drivers taking up those two spaces, where are traffic warden's when there is a situation like this,
Where do I get a blue badge?
Do Wyre Forest District Council have an email address to send messages to.
Hello. I wish to return to UK and I have nowhere to stay or live. I will return after 19th July. Can you help me. More info available.
Michael Gerrard
What size is the black bins
What can you put in the recycling bin?
Regards homeless people sleeping rough in Kidderminster area, you have the old social services offices rotting away in Church street, you could open that up to get some out of the icy cold?
Or is that being too charitable?