Mastering ChatGPT: A Guide to Plugins – How to Install and Actually Use GPT Plugins

May 21, 2023 | 1 comment
install and activate gpt plugin

In the fascinating world of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT stands as a remarkable creation. It’s a tool that can converse, assist, and even entertain. But its capabilities don’t stop there. With the addition of third-party extensions, known as ChatGPT Plugins, you can extend its functionality even further.

The Power of ChatGPT Plugins

ChatGPT Plugins are like superpowers for your AI. They’re third-party extensions designed to enhance and expand what ChatGPT can do. With the right plugin, you can tailor your ChatGPT experience to your specific needs and preferences.

Installing Plugins – how to install GPT plugins?

Installing a ChatGPT Plugin is a simple process. First, you’ll need to open ChatGPT. Look for the “Plugins” tab and give it a click. This will open a new world of possibilities.

Click on Plugins


Adding Plugins

Once you logged in to your GPT account, you can choose GPT 4. if you click on that, the GPT Plugin Store option will open, and you will be able to connect to the GPT 4 Plugin store:

how to get to plugin store gpt
in the Plugins section ie. GPT Plugin Store, you’ll see an “Add Plugin” button. Clicking this button is the first step towards expanding your ChatGPT’s capabilities. You’ll then be prompted to enter the name of the plugin you wish to install. Type it in, and then click on the “Install” button.

GPT Plugin Store will look like that:

GPT Plugin Store

Now you can choose your plugin by navigating between Popular plugins, New plugins or just all of the plugins.

So How Do i Actually use GPT Plugins?

After clicking “Install”, you will then populate the plugin into GPT4 answers. You can ask a question and GPT will use the plugin library in order to answer your question using the plugin you installed. Make sure that in your new GPT chats, you are using GPT4 and marking the plugin in the chat. Hete is a picture that will help you how to mark and check the choosen plugin/s to use in your chat:

install and activate gpt plugin

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