Caernarfon Magistrates’ Court

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Caernarfon Magistrates’ Court FAQs

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Todays court cases

How can i find out the date someone being sentenced
Closest hotel please?
Can I sue my next door neighbour for continued harramnent, ongoing for 3 years and 4 months, we both live I local authority housing and our landlord keeps talking to him sternly but he still keeps verbally assaulting me
When was emma berry sentenced to 7 years I mold crown court
What court was Maurice Taylor took to a few days ago charged with criminal damage and intimidating a witness
Next juvinail court
What time is the first case hearing today
Please assist me my marriage papers have bee held with you for approx 10 years as I was trying to have my husband found & divorced. Bailiffs were involved . I have left UK to look after sick relative . please how can I proceed with divorce & cost?
Is there parking available at magistrates caernarfon?
I have a learning disabilities I am also dear in both ears would o be able for a bus pass .
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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