Camborne Redruth Community Hospital

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital Service Address


Barncoose Terrace, Barncoose Redruth Cornwall TR15 3ER

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital average review score


Camborne Redruth Community Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Jamie Brotherhood 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

It’s a hospital

mateuszp05 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Really unprofessional staff

Kylie Carver 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Very helpful and knowledgeable.

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital FAQs

is this a walkin clinic

There's a minor injuries walk in that might have a GP there. You have to check the board in the entrance for the days GP hours (if there).

Is there a doctor today
is this a walk in clinic
Is there parking
What days are the physio department open?
Is there an x Ray department?
Is there a bus stop at the hospital
What is the hospital like to work in please?
My son has awful toothache,we are waiting on a dentist referral which was made in November. I asked the dentist in January about it and she said it will take months (It's been 4 months).My son has been crying in pain the last 2 nights,what do I do?
What time does minor injuries open
Is the x-ray department open on Saturdays?
Can you help?What was the hospital called in 1955.
Does barcoose have a MRI scan
Is there a cafe for visitors other than a vending machine
Is there a cafe at this hospital
Hi what is the phone number for the physio please
Can you tell me how to contact 'Camborne District Nurses' please ?, keep getting no answer from their number and there's no answering machine.
Do you have a neurological department
Anxiety attack and I call and talk to a doc. Will a doc do home visits as I have agoraphobia
Anyone know telephone number for xray department please
Is there a Doctor there on Sunday mornings
How much is it for a tooth to be removed please
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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