ECG think get there early cause hospital is a nightmare at the moment
Where is the Heart Scan department
The entrance to your church soulcity is not visible. Been tryna find it, moving in circles
Is the caf'e open during this virus crisis?
Costa is open for take out food and drink, the restaurant is open from today 13/7/20
Where is outpatients A
In the main Corridor of the hospital, in-between the Treehouse Unit and Maternity building
Where is x-ray department A in Stepping Hill hospital
Behind a e department
is there parking?
Yes, pricey and quite narrow spaces in some parts
Someone kicked me in the jaw. Would I have to go to the hospital if it still hurts (like it does)?
I bet it hurts see doctor matttelly broken bones exrAys pain management? Pass that information on to pip! Not good?
Do I have to be referred by a doctor to get a mole check
You need to see your doctor first, yes. Good luck with everything.
Is urology department near the restaurant
I'm not too sure to be honest. If you walk in the main entrance the security there will assist you and let you know where to go. Good luck with your appointment. X
how to contact S.A.U. dep
Ring main number
Where is ent in steppibg hill hospital
Near ambulance bay at building site
Is there through bus from Buxton to zstepping shill hospital
yes there is
Hi. I had someone "ring the bell" today. I am so happy.
I have asmall dog who is in training as a service dog. Can we get permision to visit people ?
Phone up the hospital an ask. It's only way you will know
Where is the fracture clinic in stepping hill please
Not far from A & E. park in the multi storey and enter via the small lane opposite. Turn right and follow directions
Where is the MRI
Next to A and E
When will restrictions be lifted for ward d1 due to the recent covid outbreak yesterday
Hi Rita, I am not sure when it'll be but I reckon 10 days of isolation is still the standard. The NHS however have protocols in place to prioritize with red, amber & green depending on days post outbreak & re tests. Nevertheless, I can find out from one of my colleagues on D1 tomorrow. I'm on the B wards. Cheers
How long is the wait for an appointment at spinal unit,
Sorry can't help. but would recommend steppiang hill hospital for any problems. been there with different problems and found the hospital excellent
What is A1 ward?
A1 is a covid ward at the moment.
Where is the MSDEC located ?
I am in ward a 10 where is nearest place buy food
there is a lovely restaurant called zollikha if you fancy Indian food.
There is another one near asda called Southern fried chicken. I tried it and it was nice.
What time chest clinic open from and till
Do they allow visitors to ward A1
(Translated by Google) principle saev spirm
Ilke saev spirm
How do I find the DMOP?
Where is the DMOP?
what is D6 ward
What is ward DH
how far is the fracture clinic from the nearest exit plz car drop off
Which is xray A
Why are the nurses not doing the observations and why is it done by the health care worker?