Chippenham Community Hospital

Chippenham Community Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Chippenham Community Hospital Service Address


Rowden Hill Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 2AJ

Chippenham Community Hospital average review score


Chippenham Community Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Sam G 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Worst hospital

Giuseppe Aricò 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Nice community hospital

Jaybod 1 year ago on Google
( 4 out of 5 )

X-ray dept is shut on weekends

Chippenham Community Hospital FAQs

Is there a restaurant at Chippenham hospital

Card payments now taken

Do you have a physio dept ?
The telephone contact number please
Can I get tooth pulled?
Is there a walk in clinic at Chippenham hospital? Please
Is Chippenham hospital doing xrays
Is it possible to have a copy of an xray
do you have A and E dept there?
Can Chippenham hospital replace a plaster cast?
Where is motorcycle parking at Chippenham Hospital & is there a charge? It only states car parking & cycle racks on your website
How many disabled parking spaces is there at Chippenham hospital.
do you still have hearing aid repair people.
Tel no please? Need to make an appointment with the volunteers who replace heating aid tubes. Thank you.
Is there a southgate house at chippenham community hospital?
Where is the clinical skills lab at chippenham community hospital
Is there an a and e department at chippenham
What is visiting times on Cedar ward
Where is the restaurant please At present in Greenway Thanks
Best place for Sunday lunch ?
I fell over last Sunday and my wrist is very painfully think it's only a strain can I come to the department to get it checked Regards C Woosnam
What time does the cafe open? I have a early appointment!
Is there a hospital register of deaths
Why dont you ever reply to comments about your car parking?
Where is the nearest Volunteering section to Chippenham
Is there a Volunteering Department
What time does xray department open
hi what time does the std clinic stars today, thanks
What are visiting times
what are the visiting hours
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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