Corby Borough Council

Corby Borough Council Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Corby Borough Council Service Address


The Corby Cube George Street Corby NN17 1QG

Corby Borough Council average review score


Corby Borough Council recent reviews

write your review
Kevin Linden 10 months ago on 1023
( 1 out of 5 )

Apparently , we all need to take time stamped photos to prove that we have put our bins out for collection!
My bin was not picked up this week, so I phoned the Cube Refuse office and was basically told that unless I could prove I had put my bin out I would have to wait for the next collection (2 weeks time)
Frankly, I find it an insult that my word was doubted by public servants who seem to think this is funny!
I resent the inference that I am a liar.
It is no wonder Corby has become the dirty horrible place it has.
Why are Management never available to answer questions. They make stupid rule such as this , and are not there to take the flack when complaints occur.
Their Management system , lack of accountability and borderline rudeness reminds me of Monty Pythons Flying Circus. A formal complaint has been forwarded to the Council Leader Adele Wylie. However after other recent disasters in the area (Hooke Close Warehouse) it is becoming highly evident that they are incapable of organising a booze up in a Brewery!

Lisa Phillips 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Caring for the community

Maxwell Sam 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Great place

Corby Borough Council FAQs

Are you allowed to keep chickens in your garden


How much are the green garden bins
It says the cube is open, but is it?
Are our garden rubbish bins being collected by the council
When are yous opening so I can pay my rent Mr s Wilson
Is it legal to park a car in such a way it prevents buses pulling up to the bus stop and the raised pavement enabling disabled people to get on or off? If it is not legal who should the offence be reported to?
When are rent free weeks this year
How mutch to get rid of old furniture
How do you buy a new brown bin lid
When will waste collection be for primrose close NN188LE
Are there any plans for the total upgrade to the gas supply for the Kingswood Estate next year
Why were the street light off last night?????
Are use open to day and what time in till
When is the next free rent week with corb Borough council
What days for bin collection
how can i get an attendance allowance form
Is the old village closed from 9am on Thursday or not
How do I apply to buy my council flat
How do I renew Hackney carriage badge
When parking at Corby swimming pool Westcott way entrance why can no one park in permit only parking on a Saturday when it is completely empty and unused all weekend. Apart from earning no revenue. Its so ridiculous.
can someone help the young girl who lives in the tent between the petrol station and the corby tennis center?
How do I get some old furniture collected please, and how much does it cost, I'm John hensman, at 35 shire Road corby, thanks,
Why can't I send an e mail to the council? Ben trying for days,
Can you still go to pay rent please
When is corby council open to the public
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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