County Court Business Centre – Applications

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County Court Business Centre – Applications FAQs

How can a County court Business Centre, act on behalf of a non legal entity, in regards to debt when it has no legal capacity to enter into agreements or contracts, assume obligations, incur and pay debts, sue and be sued...

Mobile phone non payment?

Why don't you answer the phone? Is this a fake company? I've been trying to call these guys for a week now and no one ever answers the phone or replies! I'm thinking is this a scam company demanding payment...?
I've gone to the ombudsmen will go to watchdog aswell
Why do they not answer there phone I have rung over 50 times and haven't managed to get any answer. I'm trying to find out why have a CCJ that I knew nothing about :(
Hi, just received a letter from county court business centre (which looks copied) about a accident I had a few years ago and which was resolved through insurance, now I have a claim form demanding money? Is this a scam? Need some help please...
30 times I have phoned today and not once have you answered.ABSOLUTE DISGRACE
Just waited 57 minutes to speak to someone and then got disconnected! Disgusting! Now I am number 58! Is there another way to contact as this is disgusting after being advised on a 9 minute estimated wait!
HELP!!! you cannot get through to any numbers. It is a total discgrace! how are they allowed to get away with it! You either get cut off after15 mins on hold or cut off immediately! Ive been trying for weeks to speak to some-one!!
I need court satsfaction letter .i paid all out standing balance two days ago shortaly i receved letter from beleaff so i need satsfaction letter please let me now what to do Thanks
I don't drive but on my credit score apparently I own them over 900 how does that work
Has any one ever spoke to anyone off these as can't get through just a dead line and I don't remember ever having the card they said we had
can check on a case number, to see the details of a CCJ?
hi i had parking ticket from company called civil enforcement i been try to sort out for while they two diffrent tickets i pay one but the other one i had permission i try get in touch with company even pay 14 search with court but still nothing
Hello I have a CCj on my credit score. I have no idea what this is about. Case G8GM43N8 dated 4/9/2020. How can I deal with this as I want removed. Thank Debra Johnston-Berresford
Can anyone confirm this to be a genuine company as I am about to report them to the police as I truly believe they are scammers!! From 17th May until now I have had judgement awarded in my favour (apparently) and that was sent on a photocopied sheet
Is anyone paying these people. My son has had a letter. I have told him to throw it away
How to I submit and pay for a N244 application?
Hey is this place real as been trying to RIng them to make a payment off a card I never had and they don't answer the phone what can I do
I have sent an claim application and i have not receive any reply, How do i know the courts have received my claim?
Can I file form N180 by email or fax?
what is your email address
how to find my ccj
can i write to you
how do i pay a ccj without knowing the company details?
Our company has a County Court Claim against another company. After applying for judgement (posted to you first class last Monday) how long might it take to get Judgement against the defendant Thank you
What are the specific times to ring the court, she tried yesterday in the day time and this morning at 9-15am
Why don't you answer the phone
how do I set up a payment plan for my ccj
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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