Dyson Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Dyson Service Address


Tetbury Hill Malmesbury Wiltshire SN16 0RP

Dyson average review score


Dyson recent reviews

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gopi patel 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Exceptionnaly fast paced technologically innovative work environment. Located in a spectacular countryside.

Sam 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

The high price does not equal quality. No care or interest in Britain, despite what they say.

Pears Attere 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Futuristic, yet organic & hi tech university living accommodation. I only wish mine was like this.

Dyson FAQs

You will never get an answer from the punters on Google. Dyson won't monitor this site.

II purchased the Dyson Power Fan and it does cool nicely However after having it running for a while I have noticed that the Plug get's extremely warm and it is very concerning..MADE IN CHINA!!!!!!!!
How to contact Dyson directly
hello, does Dyson run a bus service for it's employees from the Malmesbury campus to Bristol?
Dyson Australia have no spare parts for their machines. What in the hell is going on?
Why are you putting the phone down on me . My vacuum cleaner is still under 5 years old and as soon as I say what is wrong with it you put the phone down. Why? I have been a loyal customer for 15 years.
I have thought of a way to possibly improve battery life on electric cars. Where should I send this information?
Do you have a factory shop at malmesbury.I am interested in buying a dyson,But would like to try some first.Thanks in advance.
can I bring my vacuum cleaner to your repair centre for analysis of a problem.
Service Dept opening hours At Malmsbery to drop of Vacume cleaner
hello, If I am going to be using the Dyson bus to commute to Malmsbury, can you recommend the most efficient area in Bristol to live in t o manage logistics ? Thank you
How do I send a message to Dyson on WhatsApp app
my v8 absolute is approx 2 years old ,it has had a replacement battery within its guarantee period.However the battery is again giving trouble with very short periods of operation, as little as 5mins and when on max dies a lot quicker.whats wrong?
Jamie O'Brien's Personal Secretary's email address?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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