East London Family Court FAQs
Is there parking available at the court?
Yes underground parking is available right opposite the court signs posted. You take a lift back up and walk to the court is under one minute.
I am trying to contact the family court by telephone I just want to know how to make a payment with the forms I have to send in just cannot get anyone to help me
I am having just the same problem - I need to pay the fee. The court clerk said they would call me to take the payment but they have not rung and I cannot get through to them.
Is the court open to the public
Yes but you may need to make an appointment. There's a phone in the entrance where security guards search you.
For Children arrangement order which email address we can use ?
The Family Court is in Canary Wharf
Is there something wrong with their telephone? As neither option 1 or option 2 ring it just cuts off or when it does it will ring several times and then cuts off.
The phones have no problem at all, they never pick up their phones. The pandemic made it worse. You are better off sending them an email or a letter.
I sent a form in and by registered by post last week applying for permission to the judge for Special Gaurdainship and haven't heard back.
Can anyone tell me what is the time scale as the court date is next month.
Thank you.
If court is next month and you already made the application. What are you waiting more to hear?? Just check with the post if application has been received and turn on the date of the hearing.
is there any other telephone number to contact.
i have called 100 times and it always says the operators are busy call back.
Unfortunately many practitioners can never get through either. I have never heard of another number. If there is one I am sure it is protected like gold dust.
Where is the nearest parking facility?
Westferry Circus car park or Cabot square car park
Good Morning
I have prepared statements that have to be sent into court tomorrow morning. Can you tell me if I have to send it to my ex partner a copy as well?
Many thanks
Yes whatever u send to the courts you send to ur ex.
Is there some whare to park
West India Quay Car Park is best for this court. Entrance from Hartsmere Road. You have to pay by card they don't accept cash.
I can barely ever seem to get through on the phone! Is there an alternative number?
Is there any tribubnal against the East London Family Court whre we are heard? Dates are just cancelled. Seems that the rich and powerful people are getting the dates easily and being influenced by the group of lawyers to cancel the dates.
Does anyone know where the letterbox is?
I urgently needed to post a special request today. The court was closed but I expected to find a letterbox outside.
If I go back on Monday morning where do I post this?
How do I call as it seems to be diverting to a mobile or something?
is there free car park facility at court building?
Hi can you tell me how much the parking is please
Can I have statutory forms witnessed here?
How can someone get information about local child welfare court hearings legally
How can we get Family Court Transcripts from this and Croydon Family Court. On a very limited budget?
What if the judge took a child with no evidence whathat do you do