Gravesham Borough council (Housing Association) FAQs
Can you swim for free at cascade swimming pool if you over 65 ?
I don't think so, there is a reduced price for over 60's though.
Does our council supply compost bins?
Depands what you mean. If you need garden waste collection than you can order a green waste bin and book a collection date. Otherwise, there aren't bins that you can compost your garden waste available by the Council.
How many bins per household
1 recycling 11 for normal rubbish
Is there any free parking for people attending Woodville Halls for Covid-19 vaccinations?
No. You will need to use one of the car parks in the town (most likely Parrock Street car park) which all charge.
Will the bins be emptied a day earlier for xmas week
The online bin checker is helpful
How do I book a slot for the refuse at pepper hill
Are you aloud to move if somebody living near like next door to you are vulnerable?
Are motorcycles allowed on the canal basin?
I thought so. Why is it every single time I either run or take my dog im confronted by idiots, young and old, on motorbikes. They are so blaise about it something needs to be done about it
2019 Christmas waste collection DA12 4DZ
Look on website or in YOUR BOROUGH magazine.
How do I get help for an elderly relative
Hi, there is information on Gravesham Borough Council's website if you type 'elderly' in the search bar. Or alternatively go to the Kent County Council website and search for social care and health. From there you should be able to request a free assessment for care and support needs for your relative. I hope this helps.
I pay my council tax and I want to know why my bins did not get empted today 11.10.2019 in The Drove Way Istead Rise.Our bins were pushed over and and it was everywhere this is not good enough
Go straight to Gravesham Borough Council building at Woodville halls and put your complaint in writing or do it verbally with the staff there. I feel for u and I'm sorry ?? about what you've been through.
Can you walk your dog in woodlands park?
If you mean Shorne Woods Country Park then there are designated areas where dogs are not allowed or on a lead only. If you want to give your pet plenty of open spaces and freedom to roam freely, I strongly recomend you go to Jeskyns park. It's just across the A2 from Shorne.
Hello! How can I apply for house allocations?
Hi! How can apply for house allocation?
Visit and search 'housing'. The results will take you to the Apply for housing page.
If there has been a shed in the garden that had been there for well over twenty years and has corrugated sheeting as the roof, could this be contaminated with aspestos?
I'm not 100% sure u would have to ask the council sorry couldn't help you anymore
Can I put old empty pant pots in black bins
How do i know i am not a dustman
Are you legally allowed to run a company from a council house?
Is there parking in the civic centre for visitors?
Hi, no there is not. The nearest public parking is at Parrock Street - just around the corner from civic centre.
can I dispose of my split system domestic air conditioning unit at Northfleet recycling centre?
The recycling centre comes under KCC. You can't take business and commercial waste, clinical waste, household chemicals or petrol. They do take fridges/freezers etc. So I would think a domestic ac will be fine.
How old must a lady be to get a bus pass after w a s p announcement?
Hello I want to ask if the monthly market in car park in gravesend is open?
Can the Council do anything about my next door but one neighbours trees There is two conifer trees about 12 if not more feet high and another large tree which is connecting to the conifer trees this shuts a lot of light out of my garden
Can I have the number blue badge help at the council
Hi my name is paul sidonio , my question is we are currently surrounded by very tall hedges approximately 13 feet tall on 3 sides and it blocks out a lot of natural light , can the council ie Gravesham offer any advice many thanks
The Gravesend Masonic Hall are considering installing a Lift for disabled access can you advise if planning permission is required?
What time is it ok to light a bonfire?
How much is a memorial bench at northfleet cemetary anyone know please thankyou
When are the Christmas lights switched on in gravesend
Antisocial and racial discrimination