Holly House Private Hospital

Holly House Private Hospital Service Phone Number

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Holly House Private Hospital Service Address


High Road Buckhurst Hill Essex IG9 5HX

Holly House Private Hospital average review score


Holly House Private Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Chris Higgins 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Really disappointed, won’t let my newborn baby in so I can breastfeed him. Apparantly they have a no visiting policy due to covid. Seems like the whole world has figured out social distancing with the exception of Holly hospital. I have …

S B 1 year ago on Google
( 2 out of 5 )

I went with my mum to her Ent appointment, I was told to wait outside even though I told the nurse my mum cannot speak English or understand. She assisted that only carrier’s allowed to go in with the patient. She said they have …

Michelle Devan 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

I came to the hospital as a day patient for the first time and I have nothing but good things to say, from the lady who showed me to my room (Amy) to the nurse who looked after me Ana Maria and all the staff that were involved in my stay. …

Holly House Private Hospital FAQs

Why does nobody answer on the phone. Very bad service.

Never had an issue but brilliant service...

Do you do NHS appointments ?
Do you know if they accept emergencies? Without appointments? Of you are registered with at NHS?
What are the cost tariff at the holly HOUSE when an individual is seen privately?
How do I get there on a bus
Do you do any home GP type visits?
Can I do exercise tolerance test immediately without gp referral letter. Please any body tell me
Who runs the parking at holly hospital
Can you stay overnight
In the holly private hospital do kidney surgery?
can i have a spinal fushion at the holly on the nhs thankyou.
Do blue badge holders have to pay? for parking. when displaying a badge.
Hello, my son has swollen knees and has been for the last 4 weeks, he seen rheumatologist and had x Ray, no one knows what is wrong with him Kind regards Rita
I am enquiring for my son he has lost over ten stone in weight and wants his loose skin removed. Could you give us an idea on how much consultation would cost and a rough idea of the procedure please?
I made a online appointment at your hospital by my gp referral letter...I will need to pay for that?? For whipps cross hospital have to wait to long to see a specialist for my problem
Is there a restaurant in holly house that visitors can use .?
How much is a bladder tie back
Do you have endoscopy center
Does Holly house do YAG laser to lenses
Why would anyone use this place, the service offered is poor, they charge the NHS for everything and give no service just take the money for nothing so my question again is why would anyone recommend or use this hospital
Which buses go go go holly hospital
What are the opening hours on Bank Holidays?
How was Holly House known before ?
what is wrong with your telephone service?
Do you do pcr testing
Do you have an optical dept. doing eye lazer treatment
I the e-mail , whipps cross University hospital Eye treatment Center,to make an apointment whithe Dra Sudeshna Patra Eye serurgy catarats?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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