Horsham Hospital

Horsham Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Horsham Hospital Service Email Address
Horsham Hospital Service Address


Hurst Road Horsham West Sussex RH12 2DR

Horsham Hospital average review score


Horsham Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Teibaz Google 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )


june love 1 year ago on Google
( 4 out of 5 )

Very clean

Reuben Farhall 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

OK as it goes for a hospital

Horsham Hospital FAQs

Is a wheelchair available?


Is free car parking available at hospital?
Where is the cardiologist situated in Horsham Hospital?
What time can I go for blood tests
Is there a coffee shop or cafe in this hospital
Is the a gynecologist available
Do they platercast at Horsham A&E?
Is there an Audiology service available?
Can you del refer for hydrotherapy at horsham hospital?
I have a problem with my ankle/heel of my foot which may need an exray and maybe physio, tried self referral but had no reply will they do this if i go to the walk in clinic?
Are the blood test open bank holiday monday may day?
I have had a groin pain for over 12 months. It has been suggested by a GP friend that an ultrasound test may help to diagnose the problem. Can you do this and do I need a doctor's referral? Robert Dann
Do I need to book a blood test
Is there free parking at the hospital?
Do you run a gentle on going aqua sessions for older people with mobility problems
Are there wheelchairs available at the main entrance
does horsham do retinal screening?
What is the current waiting time.
Does Horsham hospital have a recuperation unit for patients who have had operations in far-flung hospitals like Redhill so that close relatives living in Horsham can visit the patient instead of Redhill hosp?
I have tried contacting Horsham Hospital Physiotherapy Department from 3:30pm yesterday 27th Feb and this morning to reschedule my appointment but the message I am getting says they have system problems cannot process my call. How can I get throught?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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