Inverclyde Council

Inverclyde Council Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Inverclyde Council Service Address


Municipal Buildings Greenock PA15 1LY

Inverclyde Council average review score


Inverclyde Council recent reviews

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Luca Giulio 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )


Kev D 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Echo what William said 👍 …

Gillian Girvan 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

I have got respect with assistance

Inverclyde Council FAQs

Has the brown bin collection been extended?

The final uplift of your brown bin will be either week commencing 5 December 2022 or week commencing 12 December 2022, depending on your regular collection day.

is there a building warrant/ planning permission for decking built at Ardenvohr, Glencairn road kilmacolm ? thank you Ron
Is there a benefit available formloss of vision in one eye.
Is there a book of condolences for the Queen
Hi can you let me know when the blue bins are due to be emptied, in the Strone area.
How do i get new blue bin
How much help do pensioners get with housing benefits
How much does the council charge to take sofas away and how much notice do they need?
can senior citizens get help with grass cutting
I'm trying to find a lady called or was called anna Hill, from Greenock, she would be round about 70 years old. I am a very old friend of hers, and would appreciate any help you can give to find her ..
I would like to rent my house out and would like to become a landlord but not sure how to go about it . Can you please advise me . Thank you
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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