Kings Mill Hospital

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Kings Mill Hospital Service Address


Mansfield Road Sutton-In-Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 4JL

Kings Mill Hospital average review score


Kings Mill Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Leah RB 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Cared for alot of my family over the years and its always been great care compared to other hospitals! I thank them for all their hard work and want each and everyone 1 there to know they are appreciated!

Sean M 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

I was very dissatisfied with the handling of my walk vaccine covid 3rd dose today.
The live details on the NHS England app states availability today, and continues …

ron morris 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Over the years with myself and treatment also to my wife I cannot thank these lovely people enough. The care and attention that one receives from the doctors and staff at kings mill hospital is just 100 percent fantastic.

Kings Mill Hospital FAQs

How much is car parking

Do you still pay if you have disability badge.

I have a disabled badge, do I pay to park. If not applicable how much is the parking charge and where or which disabled park is nearest to the clinics?
Does this hospital have a baby unit premature baby's as been asked to knit hats for them at our craft club can anyone help please as we are doing red and green ones and need to send them when we have finished them
A&e waiting time
Is there any WiFi on the wards.please
Is there a car parking charge if I'm attending for a covid jab?
Do you still need knitted hats for baby's
Is there any where that i can charge my mobility scooter & if there is would I have to pay for it.
Is pschiatric unit on site?
Do kings mill hospital accept worm experience for around June time?
how do i know how far on the waiting list i am for a hip replacement at Kings Mill hospital
Who do I complain to about kings mill about they to let me know when they move my brother from kings mill to queen medical at Nottingham, that is twice they move him this year
How long can you wait in drop and pick up area
What is the opening times for clinic 3
Ive purposely not gone to my appointment for my results after throat surgery & now don't no what to do!!!??
When are visiting times
I How do I find my way to Tower 1 day case department. Where is best car park for easy access
Is clinic 3 open on Bank Holidays?
Is the reception open on a sunday to get a free parking ticket for a disabled badge holder
Do they offer the Pfizer booster here? Looking to use the walk-in but do not want the Moderna booster.trying to find somewhere what does the Pfizer booster.
What is the policy of the hospital at this time regarding flowers and cards ?
Are planned c sections only done mon to Friday or all week
How much is MRI?
Who are the aneasthetists in your hospital
Where is dsec
Does kings mill hospital do tms therapy
Is it possible to request an oppointment for an x-ray on a Sunday?
Where is the covid vaccination centre
What time can I get a blood test
Where is the Covid Vaccination Centre located
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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