Lancaster City council (Housing Association)

Lancaster City council (Housing Association) Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Lancaster City council (Housing Association) Service Address


Town Hall Dalton Square Lancaster LA1 1PJ

Lancaster City council (Housing Association) average review score


Lancaster City council (Housing Association) recent reviews

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Ventseslav Popov 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Nice place

Jason Hughes 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Great app

Pamela Airey 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Not bad

Lancaster City council (Housing Association) FAQs

How much does it cost to get rid of fridge freezer with council

I am on a 10 month caravan site, Westgate Morecambe. Have to be off 4Jan. Will be going to my sons for the 2 months. Is there likely to be a problem with me travelling to Leyland where he lives. Regards Edward Wilkinson
What are the dates that green bin collections are not collected in December onwards into the new yrear please?
can i pay my garden waste collection please
how to get my green bin removed
Who inspects the small fun fair on morecambe front because today as my grandson was being fasend in the caterpillar ride it started up on its own the attendant was stood next to my grandson as it started the belt wasn't locked or bar down
How do I apply for a blue badge
Who can I contact to remove a cooker for recycling free of charge
What to do when your bin is stolen
How are wasp nest dealt with in house brick work
Hi don't know if anybody else has the same problem as me but have been waiting 16 months for some fence panels as have 12 broken or missing and still waiting for them to fix the issues just looking for some good advice thanks
Where can I get my life certificate signed now the council won't sign and stamp it anymore? I am a Swiss national and housebound.
When is the next green bin collection?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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