No idea, I've never had to call them. They always call me. Probably best to email them. The email address is on the letter they send.
Is there an email address for eye surgery department in Rye close as I cannot get through on phone?
I don't know about any email address
Get your grandsons GP to do a referral for him. Good luck
What is the average waiting time for cataract surgery?
Outpatients appointments email address?
Can we do a walk in for an eye problem???
hi I'm living in Algeria i wannt to ask if you accept the people that are living abroad my problem i can't see the fhings that it is away than me but that are near ne i do i hooe you will reply I'm so interested about fhis operation ????
can I come to make an appoint for katerack as a private patient mrs alexander
Growth removed from lower R outer eylid at Airedale Hospital. Was non malignant
MEI BOMIAN GLAND DYSFUNCTION. Consultant said "contact Moorfield for a LEAFLET+VIDEO on LID HYGEINE for
follow up care ". Could you do this please?
Thank you.
Last updated
October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Head Office Number