Newton Abbot Community Hospital

Newton Abbot Community Hospital Service Phone Number

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Newton Abbot Community Hospital Service Email Address
Newton Abbot Community Hospital Service Address


Jetty Marsh Road Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 2TS

Newton Abbot Community Hospital average review score


Newton Abbot Community Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Charkie Cars 1 year ago on Google
( 3 out of 5 )


Chris Hall 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )


Epic Gamer 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

I have no opinion on this

Newton Abbot Community Hospital FAQs

What are visiting hours

No - they are 2-4.00pm and 6.30pm - 7.30pm

Do patients haveto phone first for walkin xray
I thinmk Ive broken a bone will newton abbott be able to help
Is Dr Eve at this hospital
Is there anytime when parking is free?
when are mealtimes at the hospital so as I can avoid clashing with them
Can I pick up new hearing aid batteries from the hospital?, TIA
Do you need to have an appointment or ring up if you need to be seen
what is the parking charges
When can i book a chess exray
Podiatry. Can you drop in to see a podiatrist
Can you drop on to see the gp on call at the weekends
How easy is it to park at Newton Abott Hospital Devon
What is newton abbott hospital policy on bring in flowers to patients ?
Do you have wheelchairs to borrow whilst visiting?
does it have an A and E
My partner need his stitches taken out . Can he come to Newton abbot to have them taken out ?
When is the busy time to avoid for minor injury don't want to be waiting ages
do you see patient with tonsilitis
What is teign ward like at Newton abbot
Can you have a CT scan at NA MIU?
Can I just turn up to see ent doctor for my son ?
Does Newton Abbot Community Hospital accept elderly patients with dementia for short term care after a series of falls?
Is there an msi facility at Newton abbot hospital?
Your car parking is payable for a minimum of 2 hours, but the only way to by is by using coins, with contactless cards people rarely carry many coins, if any, could the parking machines be changed to accept cards?
Does it have xray department open on weekends
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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