Pinderfields Hospital FAQs
What are the visiting times?
(Translated by Google) 10am to 8pm
10 am till 8pm
You can phone the recioptionist or you can phone the main doctor
Is there an eye specialist available today7
They have an eye clinic but not sure if it open this afternoon would have to phone or go a&e for referral
Gate 44 number pls
I don't work there, ring the hospital switchboard and ask them for the number.
Is your hospital good or bad
I have been told I would receive a call this morning to go for an ultrasound but nobody has called me. Which number should I call to enquire about this please?
Is there a free phone number for the Hospital?
I don't think there is no. I've checked for you and it seems they are charges to a landline and mobiles depending on the provider.
Telephone number for ward 41 please
They won't answer. Shocking
Can I drop stool sample at Pontefract on good Friday
Who ever was a designer of the car park should go and throw away his brain. Free parking for visitors for 20min but to get out of it takes extra 40 min.
Sorry I don't work at Pinderfields
I would like to ask if you have a patient by the name of Marlene Ruth Lovett?
You'll have to ring the 3 hospitals in the Trust to find out as it's not something that Goojle maps can help you with.
Who do I phone and complain to regarding patient care. Thanks
Ring PALS. Patient advice and liasion service
Who do I complain to about patient care.
You can try talking to the receptionist or you can even try talking to one of the nurses or you can try talking to the PALS
Where can I find the fracture clinic
Go down the side of the chemist on your right as you enter main building
What is the number for the waiting list for hip replacements please.
The number will be on your letter. Different numbers for different consultants. If you have lost your letter make an appointment at gp and ask them to check the list. The public don't have access to the list.
Can i have the phone number to physiotherapy department the e link thankyou
Ring the main number and they will put you through.
Is there a dentist or oral health unit there please I've been to my dentist I'm now in agony and need a second opinion
There is no dentist or emergency dental service at Pinderfields. The emergency dental service is accessed via 111, they have clinics within Wakefield
Gate 42, never answer the phone I'm trying to see how my dying mum is can never get through its disgusting service
What is the parking charges
Phone number for the orthopaedic ward please.
Telephone number for Gate 12
Hi, my father lives in the Republic of Ireland, he needs a cateract operation and he was looking to come to pinderfield hospital, can you please tell me what is involved?
Hi I have an appointment for the fracture clinic and we're is it situated thanks
Is there any other phone no ??
Is there a contact number for records...need to know when my elderly mother was admiited to Pinders in November,info for DWP
Phone number for orthopaedic ward 32a please
Does the hospital have a appointment desk you can contact.
(Translated by Google) Level E word 44
Poziom E word 44