Salford City Council

Salford City Council Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Salford City Council Service Address


Civic Centre Chorley Road Salford M27 5DA

Salford City Council average review score


Salford City Council recent reviews

write your review
Paul Kielty 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

They are not here for you. You are here for them, have your money ready.

Rachel Barr 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

as everyone else is rating 1 star

Leslie Barnes 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Absolutely anti working class

Salford City Council FAQs

if a pensioner living alone needs help in the home who does he contact?

If he needs carers then go to gp and ask for social worker referral. If it's more housework then try age concern

Is salford city council open due to strike?
How to renew Blue badge
Who qualifies for Council Tax reduction
Does Salford council sell used linen I.e table clothes chair covers for events
can i add someone to counsil tax bill? and how?
Do the council charge for pest control?
A number of Christmas trees have been dumped in the back entry,what can be done about this ?
How do l withdraw a housing benefit claim
Am I allowed to continue , from Salford Quays, with my planned car trip to CUMBRIA this week ?
Are youth clubs still open?
How can I dispose of an upright fridge freezer?
I need Someone to remove a King Size Mattress and Base to the Tip ,how much will the Council charge please I am a Pensioner if that makes any difference .
What the phone number to ring if u want to talk to someone about allotments
What time do the council tips shut?
1. Why have the council removed the play equipment suitable for preschool children from Clifton Country park and replaced it with equipment for over 4 yrs old? 2. Why are households to recycle waste in 4 bins and commercial properties in one bin?
Can I send you a picture of how to cut the grass in our cemeteries in Salford not like you have it cut
Is metro link coming to walkden
How much does it cost for a birth certificate
Are salford still picking up items for the tip(suites etc)
Who is the manager of the special educational needs team at burrows house please?
Good Morning, When will the Register Office services resume?
How many items taken for free before being charged
Can I change my address on line
My son as lived with me in my flat for 8 years he's now 21 if I moved out could he take over the tenancy
Building regs needef
Past control book
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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