Can’t fault the hospital but seriously having a non existent bus service to it is appalling the walk up a steep hill on an overgrown footpath is demanding to say the least
Savernake Hospital FAQs
What is the direct number for the wards on savernake
How much is parking here..?
Could I pay by card..?
Hi Laurine,
It's the PAYGO system here, which takes a minute or so over the phone to setup if you haven't got an account. Card payment linked to your car registration.
Think I paid 50p for 1 hour.
When can i visit a patient?
i have been ringing for two hours to see if i can visit, not an answer, i know all is overworked but,we all are, its so frustrating when im trying see a gentleman who has no close immediate family
At what time was this
Good morning is Savernake hospital open on Saturday i have called 5 times this morning to arrange a visit of one of your patients i got no answer. can i just walk in and visit
Depends where the person is. If upstairs, on ward, no, you can't just turn up. You need to book a visit and to have a lateral flow test. :)
When are visiting hours?
Hi Robert, Visiting times for afternoons 13:00>17:00 and evenings 18:00>20:00. I'm not sure if mornings visiting is permitted.
Is there a minor injury unit?
No, unfortunately not.
How much is parking
50p per hour
No there's no maternity unit here.
what is the direct number for Ailesbury ward
When is the football on today with Liverpool
How old do u have to be to book a doctors appointment
Was Leon warren hudkins born in savernac marlbrough wiltshire england 1979
Was Leon Warren hudkins born there in April 4 1979