Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust FAQs
What time does the department you have yournloods taken open
If that's bloods??? Then 9am!
Does anyone know how much car parking is, please? I think I'll be there for about 4 hours. Thanks
Parking? Is it free or how do you pay
Free for first 20/30 mins I think.
Pay at machine on exit by punching reg of car in to machine outside hospital entrance. Takes cards.
Auto reg reader so no tickets.
are patients able to drive through the barrier opposite the childrens section
What are the visiting hourz
What is car park like at Ormskirk? Is there always some spaces left ?
Is there a hospital called Ranaray in Ormskirk
Theres one called Renakers Hall
Can adults be seen in ormskirk A&E
No it's a childrens A&E Souythport hospital has the adults A&E department
Has it got a audiology department
Does the hospital have an ICU dept.?
Ormskirk definitely doesn't have ICU Southport does
Hello just a thought , if I go into labour and there are no pools available on the ward can I rent one from the hospital and put in a birthing room ?
Probably better to contact the hospital direct rather than ask Google
Is there disabled parking and is it free
Yes the is disabled parking but no it isn't free unfortunately! However being a disabled driver myself and having attended Ormskirk hospital a number of times I know that you actually can park on the double yellow lines on the rd leading into the hospital less than a minute to the front doors, but alot of other people do it now also
What time is visiting time on the maternity ward
Which days is open for blood tests ?
Probably better to call the information desk at the hospital to enquire, the number and website will be available online!
Disabled spaces st ormskirk hospial
How much will a private Cat scan cost pls
This will be arranged through private health care and not the NHS hospital.
Does the walk-in centre do ear syringing?
Where is WARD A/APP. Not shown on plan.
What are the opening hours of the maxillofacial clinic
Where can you park a motorbike
Can adults go to a and e ormskirk hospital
As I have previously done I have been knitting hats for the prem baby unit. Are you accepting them during COVID and if so can I post them to you and if so could you please give me an address
Thank you
What is the opening time for the pharmacy in the hospital? Is it open at night?
Does anyone ever answer the phone here?
Can I book a private room?
what are the opening hours for the the xray department