Gravesham Community Hospital

Gravesham Community Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Gravesham Community Hospital Service Address


Bath Street Gravesend Kent DA11 0DG

Gravesham Community Hospital average review score


Gravesham Community Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Alan Hogg 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

A marvellous place, so easy to get to, so quick compared to A&E. Full marks to the staff especially Alan

John Hopwood 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Excellent service. Treated with care respect and total professionalism.

John j King 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Great staff. So friendly, professional and caring. Fantastic facility on our doorstep.

Gravesham Community Hospital FAQs

Times for blood tests?

09:00 onwards

Do I have to make an appointment for a blood test please
What time is it open for walk in blood tests
Are you doing blood test for kids?
What days is the xray department open?
Hi my shoulder is in pain it hurts to lift it is it something I can come into for someone to have a look at & give me some advice? Thanks
Are you open Good Friday? If so what times ?
Opening times for blood tests
Does it close for lunch ?
can i walk in for a blood test at gravesend hospital
Can you get an x-ray at weekends
Is there any free parking here ?
Are the blood tests open Saturday morning
Is there parking there or a drop off point
Do they do a blood test on a Saturday?
Do I have to make an appointment for a blood test this year or can I still just walk in?
What time will X-ray department open
Can I just turn up and wait for an x-ray i have a letter from my doctor
Does Gravesend have A and E
When can I have an x-ray?
What time are the blood tests open till.
Hi, I have had a nasty migraine for 2 weeks now, have tried painkillers, went to see my gp at springhead Health but no change, can I go to minor injuries for this , tia.
I have hurt my ankle . An I have it Frayed at Gravesend?
Do you allow students at the age of 16 to do work experience?
Are there doctors here or is it nurse Led?
I wanna have my implant removed just wondering if they do it at gravesend hospital that's where they replaced it
Where is about the walking centre is in the hospital and how long do you have to wait
Is the x ray dept open on a Sunday?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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