Utilita FAQs
Why can't you ever get to speak to anyone? I've spent days an hour's trying to speak to some one.
i would like to know when someone is actually going to answer my call this is ridiculous my house could burn down and ive been on phone now for over half hour it aint good enough and when my enquiry is actually dealt with
Yes, the live chat option. Unless you go on and they say there are no operators available at the moment, please try again later.... which has happened 3 times now when I have no electricity and am trapped upstairs as my stairlift isn't working due to no power! Useless. Will be changing my supplier asap
You need to stop using things like the tumble dryer, don't leave your TV on stand by and do not stand in front of your fridge with the door open. Also if that doesn't help change your supplier, Utilita are about the most expensive one out there.
am trying to contact with you,,am on the line every day of 28min? how can i contact and witch day and hours someone for sure can answer....or you are a scammer!!!
They will never let you through to anyone who will help you. AVOID, AVOID, AVOID!
Do they have humans that you can speak to spent two hrs on phone going round in circles
When people say about trying to call you all you say is try our live chat...stupid ...when we need to talk...very bad services
Cane call me please
Hi Eden,
We will be able to help with your query through the live chat on our website, simply click the speech bubble in the bottom right hand corner of our site.
Alternatively, if you send us a private message on our Facebook page UtilitaEnergyUK we can also look into any queries you have regarding your supply.
Thanks, Utilita
Hi Sean,
We will need to close down your previous account and set up a new account for your new address. This can be done on our website using the moving in form that can be found on our help page under the tab 'Moving Home'.
Thanks, Utilita
Why does the option in thecallskeep changing one minute you have 5 options so you can actually talk to someone next theres 4 options and you can speak to anyone the live chats a waste of time aswell it never works
We use the options on our phone line to better direct your call to the relevant department - this may change from time to time to improve our customer journey.
We are also able to help via private message on our Facebook Page - UtilitaEnergyUK
Thanks, Utilita
You can confirm whether you are in credit or prepayment mode by pressing the 'B' button on your main meters, this will also show you the amount of credit you have if you are in prepayment mode.
Other than that, if you contact us via the live chat on our website, we will be able to confirm this for you.
Thanks, Utilita
Havent received my warm home discount got it nov/ dec 2018 had nothing ?
Did yoy apply for it? If you failed to apply for it by the closing date you won't get it f you have applied and not received it I would contact utillita and enquire
Can you stop phoning me i dont wanna change nothing so please take my number off you call list
Hi Natasha,
Apologies for any inconvenience.
We can remove your number from our outbound call list, simple send us a message via the live chat on our website so we can action this for you.
Thanks, Utilita
How many of you have to lie on the floor to reset the gas smart meter
We are unable to move the location of a mains gas meter by any more that a few centimeters, however the distribution network operator in your area may be able to move this for you.
Thanks, Utilita
I bought electricity but never come wh,?
If you've topped up but the credit has not gone onto your meter, you should be able to enter this manually. You'll need the vend code from your receipt or email confirmation - once you have this press 'A' on your main meter so it says 'Vend Mode', if you then enter the vend code from your receipt followed by the 'B' button. The meter should then say 'Accepted', but if it says 'Rejected' please look for the error message after and let us know via the live chat on our website.
Thanks, Utilita
Is there daily standing charges like other
Hi John,
Utilita does not have a daily standing charge if you have a Smart Meter.
Kind Regards Customer Experience
Why is my electric costing so much money?
Because they charge you the wrong amount. Again, read your meter and convert that into price. You will be surprised that you are only supposed to pay 1/5 of the amount they charge you. Good luck.
Economy 7 Meters allowed ?
What is the best number i can ring please my card was lost and i need a code offf utilita so i can put electricity on my account as im due to run out of electricity
You will be best to do it over the my utilita app on the hoping you have a smart meter? You could also opt in for a power up if you have no existing debt on your lecky or gas. Hope this helps!
How do i put in for my heating allowace im untitled to please
Applications were open from 5/8-12/8 so unless you're in receipt of the guaranteed element of pension credit I'm afraid you've missed it for this year.
Whats the number for utilita does anyone know please?
Hi Chloe,
Our customer care team can be contacted on: 0345 207 2000. Alternatively, we are also able to help via the live chat on our website.
Thanks, Utilita
This is rediculous, I'm a customer I'm trying to talk to someone from the company and no one answers the phone, I've been on the phone for over 1 hour but no one answers. another time he answered, they apologized and said that someone would call me
Do Utillita ever respond to emails and phone calls?????? Appalling service
Could I get help for 2 days as I dont get money until wednesday,and I have ,a baby,and a pensioner who has a illness,how can I ask for help on my electricity just until Wednesday as that is when I get my benifits,i am using the same but this time It
On trustpilot they have rateing 4.3??
Here is 1.8 and this is what they deserve for!!!
Vvvvvvvvvvlow quality service....
I've just seen on my gas statement that I'm on premium rate? Why would I be on this? I can't get hold of anyone to rectify this! HELP
what is the out of hours emergency number
are we getting any more help with elc and gas please
Is anyone else having trouble using the top up app
Im not asking question at all no more, I have now been waiting been waiting on the phone for god knows how long. Making me angry this company! Switching supplier for sure