Vehicle Control Services

Vehicle Control Services Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Vehicle Control Services Service Address


2 Europa Court Sheffield Business Park Sheffield S9 1X

Vehicle Control Services average review score


Vehicle Control Services recent reviews

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Rory G 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

VCS think they’re above any law or written contract you have with a landowner in regards to parking at residential areas. Going to court against these muppets, can’t wait to waste their time and money. Don’t let them bully you into paying a …

Andrew Miller 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Utterly shameful and disgusting bunch, should be prosecuted for fraud! If you received a threatening letter, please complain to their regulator, DVLA, the ICO for illegally obtaining your data and defend the claim as they company is clearly abusing their position.

Steff Williams 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

No stars because this is a shower of complete scum.
I stopped my car due to a red warning STOP light coming on my dash, as I was on my way to the Audi garage on the estate that they “manage” in Wakefield (Calder …

Vehicle Control Services FAQs

Do I have to pay my parking charge.

There is no such thing as a parking charge, this is simply the terminology used by private parking companies, which mimics official authority terminology, such as the police or local authorities, where parking is covered by statutory instruments. What you receive when parking on private land is an invoice, which has arisen out of the contract you vicariously agreed to when parking on private land. The terms of the contract are described by the signage which must be displayed in the effected area, these signs are very prescriptive and must be prominently displayed. If the signage does not comply the terms are rendered unenforceable. Information can be sought from the IPC (independent parking body). Under all circumstances no enforcement can be carried out without the parking company asking for an enforcement order from a court, and which point you must be offered 5he opportunity to put your defence. They will threaten debt collectors etc, but nothing is enforceable without court orders.

Why do you not answer your phones ?
What is vehicle control service
Why a ticket when I was parkedv in a disabled bay with my badge on the dash board
How is it legal to change the signage in a full car park and then ticket every car in there (that was parked while the old signage was up) for not adhering to the new terms?! Check the CEO of this company, he's a convicted fraudster.
Managing director and list of board members
I've got a PCN,I don't even know if this company is real or if it is legal what happened but I was instructed to pay on a insecure website with a very high risk of fraud, where I have to enter my bank details and personal data??Website not secure?
how can i pay a county court order
How do I pay a no stopping charge by cheque. I will not put my bank details on line.
I have received a penalty charge notice, I checked online it doesn't seem to be able to pay online neither to appeal. I tried calling the number provided, within couple of minutes it gets cut off.
What are your remit for both the PIC and BAP.
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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Vehicle Control Services Customer Service Opening Time

Monday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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