Wealden District Council FAQs
How do I renew garden waste bin
How do I renew garden waste bin
which bin is collected today in millward road pevensey bay
Wednesday 24th May rubbish bin, 31st May Recycling bin, garden waste 26th May
Do pensioners have to pay to have items like a fridge freezer taken away ?
Yes. You need to arrange bukly collection.
I might have a gas leak or something like that as I'm coughing a lot inside my flat and have to have the windows open ?
If you think you have a gas leak please contact your energy company to get this checked, if you're a council tenant they should have an out of hours number you can call.
Your question is going to members of the public rather than the council.
Are we still on hosepipe ban?
South East Water website will tell you the current situation but as far as I am aware we are
What is the timetable for bin emptying in hiram this Christmas and new year?
When are the bins being empty Tn22 1tq ares
We have not received our voting cards.
As of 22.5.19 TN22 3LB Ridgefield. Can we sttil vote in the euro elections
Check with elections office to see if you are on the register. 01892 602417
Do you have to pay council tax for an empty house
There are exceptions but not in all cases you need to call and check 01323 443322
What are the St Wilfred's red boxes for as one has been placed outside my house and I don't remember asking for it? Thank you.
4 The Drive Hellingly Roebuck Park BN27 4AF
Hi Anne,
You may find this link useful as it explains the partnership between Haulaway and St Wilfrid's:
When do we have to start paying for garden waste removal
how do i complain against my parish council
Write to the Council setting out your complaint.
Is my partner entitled to 'taxi tokens' to take/return him to his Day Care Centre twice a week?
He is registered blind and has Dementia and cannot use public transport. D.O.B.17/12/30.
This question should be directed to East Sussex County Council
At what time are you permitted to light up a bonfire?
When do we get our council tax rebates already saying it will be late - WHY you chase us when ours is not paid on time
When should I renew my garden waste bing?
how do I view plans of a development application.?
I have a broken brown bin how do I get it collected &get a replacement sticker for the spare one I have.
Does the Court Meadow estate have permitted development rights?
Does Wealden Council support But With Confidence scheme?
Do you have a register of local tradesmen who are licensed to remove DIY building waste. As your reclamation sites no longer accept this without a substantial charge per bag. No wonder there is an increase in Fly Tipping!!!
Do small electrical items go with household or recycling bins ?
I paid for brown bin collection at the beginning of July but still haven't received my brown bin after 4 phone calls throughout July. My next brown bin collection is on the 3rd August and still no brown bin