West Berkshire Community Hospital

West Berkshire Community Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

West Berkshire Community Hospital Service Address


London Road, Benham Hill Thatcham Berkshire RG18 3AS

West Berkshire Community Hospital average review score


West Berkshire Community Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Sir Trifle98 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

A Total Joke

H E 1 year ago on Google
( 4 out of 5 )


MARC LOVELOCK 1 year ago on Google
( 4 out of 5 )

Its a hospital

West Berkshire Community Hospital FAQs

What time ia the xray department ooen til

what time is the xray department open

Can you walk in for an X-ray ?
Can I book blood test on line
How do I book a blood test?
Is the parking at the hospital free
do they do cataract ops
Hello - can I send flowers to my sister on Donnington Ward ? I live in NZ and wish I could be there to assist in this situation. Some hospital decline flowers.
Where is the Donington ward
How do I register for hearing aid batteries?
Do you need an appointment for an xray
Is the xray dept open today.
Who do I need to contact for a referrer for an adult ot
do you have a walk in centre
Is the Audiology department open to book a hearing aid test please
What Times are the Xray Department Open and do you need to make an appointment
Does the hospital have a staff gym?
Does it have a&e
Is Newbury community hospital a covid injection walk in center.
Can I book a Genetics blood test @ West Berks Community Hospital ? I cant seem to book on their website ! Reading hospital is difficult for me to attend Thanks Clive
Do I need to make an appointment for munor injuies unit
what time is x-ray dept open
How many visitors are allowed at one time per patient in the Donnington ward. Thank you.
What time does the X Ray department open
Have the visiting arrangements changed from today, please, with the relaxation of restrictions?
is the audiology unit open to the public
Do they do ear wax removal? Syringing?
How to get a GP X-ray
Hi guys - I am trying to establish who will be providing my remote physiotherapy support since being discharged from the Highclere ward on 21/04/2021
When is the A&E open?
How do I arrange an audiology appointment, please?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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