Newmarket Community Hospital

Newmarket Community Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Newmarket Community Hospital Service Email Address
Newmarket Community Hospital Service Address


56 Exning Road Newmarket Suffolk CB8 7JG

Newmarket Community Hospital average review score


Newmarket Community Hospital recent reviews

write your review
David Scotchmere 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Newmarket community hospital

CarlosFandango 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

I was born here too!

John Grimason 1 year ago on Google
( 3 out of 5 )

It does good job

Newmarket Community Hospital FAQs

Blood test today are you open

Can you have blood tests today at Newmarket hospital

What time is it for blood tests now?
When dose the cafe open
Is there parking available on site?
Do they have a cafe at Newmarket hospital?
Can I book up as doctor said I need a lung function test.
Is there a pharmacy on the hospital site? If so, how can we get in touch with them to check if a prescription is ready?
What are the visiting rules here please
Can u have a blood test today at newmarket
Do they do physio at Newmarket hospital
How soon can I get a blood test after I book it?
Hello,if I go with my daughter in coz she has a really bad cough they will look at her without appoiment?Thank you
Does they have dental service?
do i need to book a blood test
Are you still offering drop in blood tests?
does the hospital carry out ear wax removal
What time for blood tests
What is the phone number for the rosemary ward
Is there plenty of disabled parking available?
What are the visiting times for Rosemary ward
What time for blood test
What are Visiting times please
Can I have the post code please
My niece who's visiting from France next week has broken her wrist and has a plaster. She needs an X-ray control. Can it be done at the hospital if she pays for it and get reimbursed once back in France?
How do you log into machine for blood test
Is the shop within the hospital open today
Is there a bus service near the hospital
Can I visit a patient in your hospital please?
How do I deliver a letter to the hospital on a Sunday? They don't seem to have a letterbox.
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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