Derriford Hospital

Derriford Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Derriford Hospital Service Address


Derriford Road, Crownhill Plymouth Devon PL6 8DH

Derriford Hospital average review score


Derriford Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Robin Bradford 1 year ago on Google
( 3 out of 5 )

PLYMOUTH DERRIFORD UROLOGY – LITHOTRIPSY I am a supporter in every respect of the NHS and I am also a Trustee at Torbay hospital.
It is my belief that staff in all hospitals do the very best job possible with …

William Rowe 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Williams wife Karen was admitted into postbridge ward Deriford hospital as a day case under the gyni department.
Thank you to all you Angels on the ward full of compassion dignity and respect …

Paul Chambers 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

I spent 10 days in hospital in the Major Trauma section after a bad fall breaking 9 bones! First class in every section no criticisms only that it’s ashame other hospitals can’t follow in this extremely well organised hospital! Thankyou to all the to all staff, Nurses who looked after me and doctors who operated on me…

Derriford Hospital FAQs

What are the visiting hours on shaugh ward?

2 - 8 pm, unless you get permission from ward staff, where you might be able to go earlier.

What times are visiting on Tamar ward
Am I allowed to stay with my daughter(19) to her appointment at the hospital tomorrow
Can you please tell me the visiting hours for Sharpward
Is outpatients reception open Saturday
What are the visiting hours on Moorgate ward?
Is it possible to find out if Miss Ruth Stacey is still in hospital. We are in Australia and have heard that she has been admitted. We would like to send flowers but want to make sure this is the hospital she is in. Thanks Pam & Derek Hope and mysel
What are the visiting time for lunar ward?
Do the hospital have disable parking
My mum is going into hospital on the 25th this coming Tuesday it was sort notice need to be with her because we are from Ilfracombe she as got liver cancer so I need to be with her is there anywhere in the hospital I could stay
Are the public transport easily available for hospital??
What are visiting times on Henbury Ward
Quick question do you need to see your own gp to see if they can acquire to send someone to wear there adult pads due to they can't control there bladder at home?
what time is visitin on surgical ward
what are visiting hours on Bickleigh ward
Are there any Psychiatric wards at derrimore hospital
What time are visiting hours on tavy ward
After surgery in ENT when can I expect a follow-up call or appoinment?
Is there any reduction in parking fees for Radiotherapy patients
What the number for Tay ward
Where is the immunology dept
what are the visiting times for Burrator Ward
I will be bringing a friend for a plastic surgery appointment tomorrow. Will I be able to come in with her?
5 1/2 hours in A&E on a quiet day, why ?god knows what would happen on a busy night.
I am trying to get a sick note for my husband but doctor said they do not issue them ,I will have to ask are own G,P ,but they said the hospital ,Iam very stressed out beccause he needs a sick note or he will not be paid
Hi there I'm in for my covid vaccine tomorrow. Where is the free parking areas for motorcyclists. Cheers Rob.
Phil Hughes is your human resource manager??
Hi, Is PCR swab test and travel certificate available here ? Thank you
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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