Heatherwood Hospital

Heatherwood Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Heatherwood Hospital Service Address


London Road Ascot Berkshire SL5 8AA

Heatherwood Hospital average review score


Heatherwood Hospital recent reviews

write your review
David Hannam 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Great hospital now under frimley parks control

R Sherif 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

New Heathetwood Hospital

Rory Clements 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Efficient service, parking is expensive especially for a short visit

Heatherwood Hospital FAQs

Is there a maternity unit at heatherwood

How much is parking for 3 hours
what time is open for blood test
What is the waiting time for replacement hip
what are the parking charges at heatherwood hospital
Can my husband come into outpatients with me? '
Where is the outpatient dept situated in the new Heatherwood Hospital?
Do they do gynaecology
What time does the x ray department close
Is there a cardiology department at Heatherwood hospital?
Where do I park for the endoscopy unit?
Whereabouts is the endoscopy unit?
Can I bring a family member when having a procedure ?
Where is the shirt say ward at heatherwood hospital
Is there a vacancy i am an health worker from Nigeria
Hi is there free motorcycle parking here and where about is the area for motorcycle parking ?
In current situation is car park free or i should Pay..??
Can i stay on parking for 8-10h ? I got 1 day procedure. I will drive there in the morning by myself and someone will pick up me and car later. Its possible ? Or its maximum stay in car park ?
No spaces, my appointment is in 20 mins what can I do please
Is there a restaurant or canteen here
I have to go to Heatherwood for a blood test tomorrow. Does anybody know what time the dept opens? 8am? 8.30am? I have tried calling the switchboard with no reply!
what is the code for the parking machine for the Ring Go App pls
Is there an A&E at heatherwood hospital
can I get a blood test at Heatherwood without an appointment
Is there a Day hospital at Heatherwood hospital?
How do I get patient transport organised who do I phone
Is there a Anticoagulant clinic at this hospital please?
which ward deals with replacement knee surgery
Does it have urgent care or casually dept
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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