Phoenix Natural Gas FAQs
I just bought gas for my card and when I put it in its say failed
I am looking to change over sse to phneix gas, but fom what am reading of customers maybe not a good idea..
hi my daughter has just moved in to a rented accomadation and has had trouble with the water pressure on her boiler the box is outside her front window n the cover is broke can this be replaced by phoenix gas or will i have to replace it myself .
The boiler should be located within the property and if rented is the landlords responsibility. The box outside contains the gas meter and is the property of Phoenix NG and is therefore their responsibility.
How do I get a gas meter changed to a card meter
Phone your local gas suppler
I believe so I think they only close for the bank and public holidays
I put money on my card, when i put it in the meter the meter read f1 and the boiler read get help what should i do
I've put 60 pounds of money in my gas this week. Always seems to run low. Do I have a leak? It doesn't be on long to use that amount??
Phoenix arent open weekends and i worked there, phone your gas supplier first, if you cant smell gas we wouldnt have sent anyone. If you suspect a leak ring the hinkley emergency line
Am looking to change from sse to phneix gas is it a good thing or not after reading some reviews of customers
You can't change to phoenix, they operate the network that suppliers use but no longer supply gas to homes and businesses themselves. The only domestic suppliers in NI currently are SSE and Firmus.
Put payment on gas card, but now lost it! Anyone know who to contact urgently
Contact your gas supplier. Either SSE Airtricity or Firmus Energy.
I put my card in and its reading card failure. What do i do ?
What error message is coming up?
How yee get an sse gas card
Any shop that has paypoint
My meter outside is making a funny noise. Is this serious
Best to be safe give phoenix a ring on 0800 002 001
I have arrived home this evening to find a notice pinned to my door informing me that my gas supply has been disconnected. I am a 62 year old man with osteoarthritis No hot water, no heating. Who authorised this Michael McComb?
Call 03454 555 555 after 830
I've lost my gas card what can I do?
You need to phone your gas supplier they should be able to send a new one ??
Where can I get another key or what else can I use to open meter box??
Contact gas supplier but likes of a butter knife or large screwdriver can turn it
How much does it cost to install a gas meter
My daughter got a phoEnix pay easy gas card. She put a 10er on it but it didn't go onto the metre. Should it have been registered somewhere. And can we get the money transferred to the meter.
why can i not buy gas online
how do you get a new card if you loose card x
How can I check to see if my elderly mother is entitled to a new boiler hers is over 15 years old
I had phoenix gas heating installed last year, do I get the first service free or do I have to pay?
Is there anything in the company related to biomedical engineering work
Can I have a contact number for Michael McKinstry CEO please?