Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital

Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital Service Phone Number

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Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital Service Email Address
Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital Service Address


30 New Road, Impington Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 9EL

Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital average review score


Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital recent reviews

write your review
imet me 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

very poor!

RencorRR 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

lol i went thre

Hazel Batey 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )


Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital FAQs

Do you carry out carpal tunnel operations, I require both my wrists operated and if so what is the cost for two at the same time? Also, what is the waiting time? Look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks Angela.

What are the visiting times at. Spire hospital Cambridge and how many people can visit at one time?
I have arthritic 2nd toe of left foot. And a bunion on the big toe which is cramping the second toe causing it to lift. This causes problems with long walks. Would treatment of the bunion improve my discomfort?
Dear Sirs, Does your hospital accept the personal health insurance from AXA PPP? Jan Spisak
(Translated by Google) How do I make an appointment? English is not good, do you have WeChat? (Original) ??????????????????
hi there What are your official visiting hours please? I would like to know ASAP. thank you
Do you dotreatmemt for titinus
I am looking for a local dermatologist to freeze off some sun keritosis. Please can you suggest someone? Addenbrooks is too busy for such a small request. Thank you
Excessive nose bleed requires Nose cautery according to our GP, is this procedure available and what would be the cost?
How long do you need isolate before having a spinal operation.
Do you know how much costs a brain MRI?
Is the spires Bupa recognised?
Do you do dupuytren's operation it's early stage
I have a 'trigger finger' on the ring finger of my right hand. I am informed by my local doctors surgery that the NHS cannot provide the surgery that i require at tis time, due to CV19. I was advised that some private institutions may offer surgery.
Do you do cortisone injections at the moment
Are the bathrooms open to use as I have to travel a distance to get to you thank you
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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