The Abbeyfield Bishop’s Castle & District Society Limited

The Abbeyfield Bishop’s Castle & District Society Limited Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

The Abbeyfield Bishop’s Castle & District Society Limited Service Address


Abbeyfield House Oak Meadow Bishop's Castle SY9 5PA

The Abbeyfield Bishop’s Castle & District Society Limited average review score


The Abbeyfield Bishop’s Castle & District Society Limited recent reviews

write your review
stephen bishop 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Lyle House is a superb residential care home for dementia/alzheimers, my mother gas been a resident since September 2020.
She has improved greatly since going there. She’s eating and drinking, joining …

The Abbeyfield Bishop’s Castle & District Society Limited FAQs

Are meal provided?

We provide two healthy and delicious meals a day, which are cooked and prepared at the house. Our qualified cooks pride themselves on providing excellent food which is all freshly prepared, and where possible, using locally sourced produce.

What's in the local area?
Is there a lift?
How do I apply to become a resident?
What will my room look like?
Can my family visit?
What age do I need to be to live in an Abbeyfield retirement home?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

The Abbeyfield Bishop’s Castle & District Society Limited Head Office Address

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